Monday, February 2, 2015

Tonsillectomy document

The Morning of his surgery.....
Firstborn has been in my bed all night. Feet in my back, feet in my face, arms around my neck almost choking me. At 5am he said he wants to go back to his bed. We all know what that means... he is going to wake up the little one. Wishful thinking "ok but don't wake up your brother" (maybe I'll get 16 minutes of sleep).
5.16am baby brother is now crying. I go in to take big brother out of baby brothers crib. Baby brother actually is trying to go back to sleep. 5.45 baby brother is crying again. I repeat previous step. 6.30am crying to be heard again. This time baby brother has a bloody nose.
And so the day begins.
7.28am making coffee. Big brother wants cheese so we're taking him out for slurpees for breakfast.
His surgery was 3 weeks ago but I only have the stomach to finish my post now.
I don't care what they say, children do not have less pain, they just heal faster.
Adults take average 4 weeks to heal after this same surgery and between ages 2 and 3 its about a week. Once they hit 3 years old it can be longer.
We had 2 weeks of h***. he woke up from the operation a little hysterical. After we got home he seemed fine. My husband and I even asked each other "did they even do anything?" He was so exhausted he went right to sleep 7pm and even slept until 5am. They tell you to wake them every 3 hours to give them painkillers to keep the pain at bay. He refused to wake up when we tried this in middle of the night
The next day as i kept piling on the medicine, i guess, the stronger stuff they gave him in the hospital wore off....
He started to feel the pain and would hold his ears whenever he swallowed :(
The second night was when he started screaming through the night. Screaming and crying in pain.
He had popsicles for breakfast.
The problem was the more medicine i gave him then he would neglect to be careful because he felt fine, therefore would not take it easy and that wasn't helping the recovery.
Then the medicine made him overly constipated. That involved a trip to the ER.

All in all if you ever have to do this surgery, dont let it cooincide with any major month in your life. I spoke to so many people and read so many posts online of how the recovery really isn't so bad. My son was not in this category and only after this experience I found few and far between posts online of Mums who went through what I did.

Hes sleeping through the night now. 

Oh and he seems much calmer!

Did your child have a tonsillectomy? How was your experience?

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